Life is full of paradoxes
Life is full of paradoxes, don’t you think?
As I come closer to my health goals, I suddenly seem to slacken. And then have to go through the difficult phase of getting back on track.
The more I earn, the more I spend. This can probably be explained by the behavioral economists but it’s an interesting (and annoying) phenomenon for me.
The more connected I am to nature, the less I feel the need to “know” the right answers.
The harder the client interview, the more relaxed I am.
The closer the date for this year’s Primary School Leaving Examination looms (which my 2nd kid is sitting for), the more relaxed I feel.
The more stressed I am, the calmer I can make myself in the moment.
Perhaps life’s paradoxes have a message for us. As we notice the counter trends in our lives, they guide us through life’s complexities and gently show us that we are not as much in control as we think we are. Oh, another paradox: the older I get, the more active I feel.
What is a paradox you have noticed in your life?