What do an oxygen tank, ski boots and a car tyre have in common?
Here are 3 stories.
Story One : One moment I was happily diving and enjoying the sensation of the sea around me, and the next I was gasping for air and felt sure I was going to die. Water had entered my breathing apparatus and in the panic that followed, I forgot how to clear my breathing tube. It was only when I saw the calm response of my dive master that I calmed down and followed his instructions. Deep breaths. At that moment I was reminded that diving is 90% about your equipment and what happens above water. It’s about checking your equipment on land and knowing your procedures on what to do in an emergency.
Story Two : I am a beginner skier and every time I am on a ski slope, it feels like the first time all over again. So when I was on a ski slope last month, I felt wobbly and unsure. I made it down the slope somehow but knew that I was awkward and not in the flow. Halfway down the slope it occurred to me that my boots were too loose and the ski poles were too long for me. So I tightened my boots and changed my poles to the correct length and tried again. Deep breaths. I wasn’t whizzing down the slope after that but certainly I was more confident and in the flow of my skiing.
Story Three : What’s worse when a child is feeling car sick while driving around a mountain? A car tyre puncture. And that’s precisely what happened to us on a mountain in Italy. Fortunately it wasn’t dark yet so my husband managed to change the tyre relatively quickly. However as we got into the car, I felt that we were lop-sided as the spare car tyre was of a different size. I’m sure a car mechanic would tell me that that doesn’t really matter but I kept my fingers crossed and took deep breaths until we managed to change the tyre to its correct size.
When I relate these stories to myself, the common theme is to maintain my “equipment”. Equipment can be the things I need to ensure are in working condition such as my car, laptop, diving equipment or more importantly my emotional well-being.
While it may be easier to pay attention to our physical equipment, we need to remember to maintain our emotional well-being too. I try to block time in my diary for quarterly “me time” which could be retreats, overseas trips or simply a quiet dinner with family. On a daily basis, I practice deep breathing and connect with nature by walking in the garden or by the beach. There is a wonderful reconnection with self and our energy when we spend mindful moments with ourselves.
Strange as it may sound, we have the answers within us. It’s only a matter of whether we are listening to ourselves.
What is the important equipment in your life?
How well are you looking after it for your own well-being?
What is one small thing you can do to to look after your well-being?
Hold these questions lightly and see what they surface for you in the coming weeks