My Coaching Approach

A wonderful book titled “They Ask, You Answer” by Marcus Sheridan suggests that the key to engaging your customer is to answer their questions. And to answer them in the public domain as there is a high chance that other customers have the same question for you.


So, I will answer a question that I was asked 3 times over the last week. The question was “what is your coaching approach?” To put this question in context, I was asked this during chemistry calls with prospective clients. A chemistry call is a short call between a coach and a prospective client for the client to get a sense of the coach and whether they would like to be coached by the coach. 


If you are a prospective client, understandably, you are curious about what you can expect during coaching sessions. So here is my coaching approach:


My coaching purpose is for people to be heard and seen by me. I encourage them to go deep into their lived experience to sense-make their life lessons. I do this by holding space and asking questions. Holding space means that I create an environment of high support and high challenge to allow people to go deeper in their reflections. I walk the journey with them while letting them be responsible and accountable for their actions. 


Over the years, people have told me that they appreciated the ability to pause from the busyness of life and having a non-judgmental space to think. I come from a Gestalt and Positive Psychology background which means that I value the “here and now” and can work with whatever is going on for the client in the moment. I embrace emotions and belief in the connection of the mind and body. I also belief that sometimes we need a reminder of our strengths and inner qualities to help us move forward in our issues. 


Curious if you will get homework during my coaching sessions? I will likely encourage clients to use the one key tool which has been extremely beneficial to me – and that is to journal. 


A related question I get asked is what clients bring up during my coaching sessions. It is a broad spectrum of issues which can range from a specific challenge such as having problems managing a virtual team to a broad question of what to do next in their lives. I don’t prescribe a solution for issues and hold the space for clients to discover and uncover the wisdom that lies within them. 


My coaching rates are S$400 per hour.  


Let me know what other questions you have about coaching and I’ll attempt to answer them


Pause in an Emergency


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