What do an oxygen tank, ski boots and a car tyre have in common?
Here are 3 stories. Story One: One moment I was happily diving and enjoying the sensation of the sea around me, and the next I was gasping for air.
Do until you fail. Then do it again.
I just started strength training in the gym with my trainer. This means that I carry dumb bells and weights rather than run on the treadmill. It is quite
5 tips for giving feedback to others
Often at coaching sessions with my
clients, the topic of giving feedback to
others comes up. New leaders
especially find it difficult to give
honest feedback as they are afraid...
The Role of Fear in Our Lives
There is an old adage: There is
nothing to fear but fear itself. So why
does fear grip us? And what can we do
about it? My paralysing fear of...
The Lost Art of Being Alone
In a world increasingly obsessed with
absorbing gadgets and social media,
more connections are being made
and maintained online. It is common
to see groups of people sitting
together or...
My Major Achievement in 2017
"Be grateful for whatever comes
because each has been sent as al
guide from beyond," said the
13th century Persian philosopher
Rumi. I feel that in the course of my
Put Your Health and Wellness on a Pedestal
Tell you a secret: I have said no to paid
work because the date clashed with a
session I had planned with my coach
for that month. Another secret:
Life is full of paradoxes
These are strange times and I marvel
at state of the world's geopolitics. Just
a short two years ago seems a lifetime
away - when there were less in-your-
face fabrications...
Being Authentic in a World of Fake News
Life is full of paradoxes, don't you
think? As I come closer to my health
goals, I suddenly seem to slacken. And
then have to go through the difficult